Full On-site Repairs
Almost all repair work that your vehicle needs can be carried out on site as soon as the parts are in. When we are unable to undertake some specialist work (for example gear box repairs or bodywork) we have trusted specialists we have used for years and we can be sure you will get a good service from them. Sun Motors can repair/replace engines, suspension components , brakes, exhausts, clutches, timing (cam) belts/chains and can arrange welding.
We never fit anything to your vehicle without your permission having advised you in advance of costs and repair completion estimates.
We cannot fit parts that you have supplied
Most work can be completed the same day, however, where we are at the mercy of main dealers and suppliers, we may sometimes not get the job done as scheduled. We will always keep you advised if we anticipate delays. Some major works can also take several days to complete. Again, we will always discuss this with you in advance.